Off-Topics / Fuera de tema

Foro creado para todos los demás temas que no tengan nada que ver con Escorts (Acompañantes).

English For tuti vieja, sorry, old woman...

Hilo del tema

FOR IF THE FLIES: Por si las moscas.
EYE TO LOUSE: Ojo al piojo.
YOU HAVE ME TIRED, YOU HAVE ME: Me tenes cansado, me tenes.
THE FIFTH LINING OF THE BALLS: El quinto forro de las pelotas.
GO TO KNOW: Anda a saber.
YOU ARE TICKET: Sos boleta.
STAY FLY: Quedate mosca.
I MADE MYSELF THE RAT: Me hice la rata.
THAT'S MY CHICKEN: Ese es mi pollo.
TO BURRY THE SWEET POTATOE: Enterrar la batata.
TO ANOTHERTHING BUTTERFLY: A otra cosa mariposa.
LIKE WHO DOESN'T WANT THE THING: Como quien no quiere la cosa.
BETWEEN NO MORE AND DRINK A CHAIR: Entre nomas y tome asiento.
I DON'T GIVE MORE: No doy mas
HE IS BIGGER BALLED THAN THE PIGEONS: Es mas boludo que las palomas
NOT TO HUNT ONE: No cazar una
IT IMPORTS ME A HORN: Me importa un cuerno
WHAT THREW IT: Que lo tiro
IT'S TO THE ROCKET: Es al cuete
WHAT A HANDRAIL: Que baranda
TO SPEND A PERSON: Gastar a una persona
WE ARE ALL ALIVE: Somos todos vivos
TO MAKE THE DUCK: Hacer la Pata
TURKEY'S AGE: La edad del Pavo
LET'S GO YET!: Vamos Todavia!
IT MATTERS ME A WHISTLE: Me importa un pito
I'M MADE BAG: Estoy hecho bolsa
SEND FRUIT: Mandar fruta
TO BE A DEAD LITTLE FLY: Ser un mosquita muerta
ARE YOU DRINKING MY HAIR?: Me estas tomando el pelo?
IT WENT ME LIKE THE ASS: Me fue como el culo
DON'T FORGET HEADS: No se olviden de Cabezas
IT HAS MY BALLS FILLED: Me tiene las bolas llenas
DO YOU WANT MORE YELLOW: Quiere mas hielo
YOUR SISTER IS AN IRON: Tu hermana es un fierro
THE SHELL OF YOUR SISTER: La c... de tu hermana
HE DOESN'T GIVE FOOT WITH BALL : No da pie con bola.
SKULL DON'T SHOUT: Calavera no chilla
TO CRY TO THE CHURCH: A llorar a la iglesia
TO DO EGG: Hacer huevo
PUTTING WAS THE GOOSE: Poniendo estaba la gansa
IT'S NOT NESARY: No es nesario
SUN OF A BEACH: Sol de una playa
AS BORING AS LICKING A NAIL: Aburrido como chupar un clavo

29/10/2004 11:50

JAJAJA VERY IS GOOD: Está muy bueno.

29/10/2004 12:05

Muy Bueno supergati Congratulation's =D>

29/10/2004 12:33

:oops: :oops:

29/10/2004 12:38

Estupendo :wink:
Saludos :P

29/10/2004 14:52

[color=darkblue:60babe02d3][b:60babe02d3]ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS[/b:60babe02d3][/color:60babe02d3]

[size=18:60babe02d3]2 GOOD
2 BE
4 GOTTEN[/size:60babe02d3]

[color=red:60babe02d3][b:60babe02d3]Continuará Do Fear!![/b:60babe02d3][/color:60babe02d3]

29/10/2004 16:41

Muy bueno... :-) :-) :-)
Acá van algunas frases gateriles por si quieren postear algo en wsgforum o algún otro en inglés, con esto seguro que los van a entender ;-)

[b:9a9c38bcbd]Does she give the little turkey?? [/b:9a9c38bcbd]>>Entrega el pavito??
[b:9a9c38bcbd]She threw me the rubber. [/b:9a9c38bcbd] >>Me tiró la goma.
[b:9a9c38bcbd]Going down to the manger. [/b:9a9c38bcbd] >>Bajar al pesebre.
[b:9a9c38bcbd]I ate her happy box. [/b:9a9c38bcbd] >>Le comí la cajita feliz

29/10/2004 17:52

[color=darkblue:602c04d28a][b:602c04d28a]LESSON ONE - JUST KIDDING[/b:602c04d28a][/color:602c04d28a]

Dear [b:602c04d28a]supergati[/b:602c04d28a]:

Eye to louse!
I´m eating a little female gauchos package.
What a handrail in this PV.
Let´s go yet! to burry the sweet potatoe,
It matter me a whistle the gift
but your sister is an iron and she told me putting was the goose
and between no more and have a drink.
I told her you are ticket!
She threw me the rubber and I ate her happy box!
The End


[color=red:602c04d28a][b:602c04d28a]To be Continued!![/b:602c04d28a][/color:602c04d28a]

30/10/2004 21:42

[quote:a1dcc01bcd="alejandro_0001"]Bajar al pesebre.


01/11/2004 10:00

he went to the shell of the parrot = se fue a la concha de la lora

to throw a dust = echar un polvo

more bitch than the chikens = mas puta que las gallinas.

it smokes me = me la fuma

one stone the houre = un roca la hora

i give till death = le doy hasta que me muera

gettin to dums and fools = cojiendo a tontas y a locas

sit in the boldhead = sentate en el pelado

i put it in dry= te la pongo en seco

i eat a messy = me comi un travieso

chau = bye

01/11/2004 14:05

[quote:2fb4106959="Juanchila"]he went to the shell of the parrot = se fue a la concha de la lora

to throw a dust = echar un polvo

more bitch than the chikens = mas puta que las gallinas.

it smokes me = me la fuma

one stone the houre = un roca la hora

i give till death = le doy hasta que me muera

gettin to dums and fools = cojiendo a tontas y a locas

sit in the boldhead = sentate en el pelado

i put it in dry= te la pongo en seco

i eat a messy = me comi un travieso

chau = bye[/quote:2fb4106959]

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

01/11/2004 14:09

[color=darkred:f8a20d138a][b:f8a20d138a]Memorandum[/b:f8a20d138a][/color:f8a20d138a] UN POCO DE HUMOR EN INGLES Y SPANGLISH :twisted:

Un Directivo de una multinacional estuvo por Buenos Aires y desde la
Casa Matriz envió el siguiente memorandum:
"Dear Sirs,
It has been brought to our attention by several officials visiting our
establishment in Buenos Aires that offensive language is commonly used by
our Spanish speaking staff. Such behavior, in addition to violating our
policy, is highly Unprofessional and offensive to both visitors and staff.
All personnel will immediately adhere to the following rules:
1. Words like carajo, la puta madre or me da por el quinto forro and other
such expressions will not be tolerated or used for emphasis or dramatic
effect, no matter how heated a discussion may become.
2. You will not say la cagó when someone makes a mistake, or la está
if you see someone being reprimanded, or qué cagada when a major mistake
been made. All forms and derivations of the verb cagar are utterly
inappropriate and unacceptable in our environment.
3. No project manager, section head or administrator under any
will be referred as hijo de mil putas, guanaco, mal parido, es una mierda
es una bosta.
4. Lack of determination will not be referred to as falta de huevos or
persons who lack initiative be referred to as cagón de mierda, pelotudo,
or boludo.
5. Unusual or creative ideas offered by the management are not to be
referred as pajas mentales or pendejadas.
6. Do not say cómo hincha las pelotas or qué ladilla de mierda if a person
is persistent; do not add cagó fuego if a colleague is going through a
difficult situation. Furthermore, you must not say cagamos (refer to item
#2) or nos rompieron el orto when a matter becomes excessively
7. When asking a someone to leave you alone, you must not say andate a la
concha de tu hermana or should you ever substitute May I help you? with
¿Qué carajo querés?
8. Under no circumstances should you ever call your elderly industrial
partners viejos chotos.
9. Do not say me chupa un huevo when a relevant project is presented to
you, or should you ever answer sobame el nabo when your assistance is
10. You should never call partners as puto de mierda or vieja tortillera;
the sexual behavior of our staff is not to be discussed in terms such as
viejo balinero, tragasables or maricon de mierda.
11. Last but not least, after reading this note please don't say me la
por el orto. Just keep it clean and dispose of it properly .

Thank you. Regards,
"The Management"


01/11/2004 15:08

:hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

Simplemente, sublime

01/11/2004 15:23

Muy bueno, magnifico Sofi, me encanto :lol: :lol:

01/11/2004 15:38


Querida [b:41309b4df4]sofía[/b:41309b4df4]:

Como solía preguntar Jorge "El Gordo" Porcel: No es fino?

Definitivamente [color=darkblue:41309b4df4][b:41309b4df4]ES MUY FINO[/b:41309b4df4][/color:41309b4df4]!!!


[color=red:41309b4df4][b:41309b4df4]Continuará - Driven!![/b:41309b4df4][/color:41309b4df4]

01/11/2004 15:48

thk u very much!!!!!

:wink: sofia

01/11/2004 15:51

[color=blue:4db17f8d2b][b:4db17f8d2b]Sofi[/b:4db17f8d2b][/color:4db17f8d2b], Excelente :twisted:

[color=blue:4db17f8d2b][b:4db17f8d2b]PN[/b:4db17f8d2b][/color:4db17f8d2b], me encanto su nueva firma :wink:

Saludos :P

01/11/2004 16:15
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